+91 900 030 3003 , +91 824 744 1635


Mon – Sun: 9:00 – 18:00, IST


Our Vision

To connect, empower and build a modern community of eco-friendly folks towards an enriching and sustainable lifestyle.

Our Mission

  • Ensuring local farmhand livelihoods are not distrubed but empowered.
  • Adoption of modern technologies like IOT, CCTV, Drones, etc. for effective farm management and connect of all the stake holders
  • Ensure that there is clarity, transparency and simplicity in handling of all farm assets incl. Farmlands, equipments, infrastructure, etc.
  • Provide eco-friendly and sustainable housing solutions both on our farmlands as well as others.
  • Ensure that livestock including Cows, Poultry, Goats, Ducks, etc. are well maintained and effectively integrated into the farmland setup.
  • Use green energy solutions incl. Solar, Electric Vehicles, etc. for effectively addressing power & energy needs.
  • Provide an avenue for City Dwellers, specially youth to connect with and experience farm living.
  • To grow and promote the use of organic produce and also all aspects of a healthier lifestyle incl. Yoga, Wellness, Mud Cutlery, Clothing, Arts, and much more.
  • To partner with like minded people and organizations to be an effective channel in promoting sustainable ecofriendly lifestyles.


An qualisque constituam cum. Agam unum disputando ius et, mel id postea volu ptua, et vel assum graece feugait.

Growing Fruits and Vegetables

Eos ex habeo assum civibus, odio velit sea ex. Sed utinam tamquam cu.

Design & Planting

Phasellus varius asu lectus enim, fermentum ultrices sem pharetra id.

Spring & Fall Cleanup

Nunc imperdiet vitae nisl nec lacinia. Phasellus dapibus a massa quis iaculis.

Best Products

Praesent pellentesque felis justo, eu vestibulum nulla sollicitudin eu.

Clear Water for Irrigation

Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus ac turpis egestas.

Eco Product

Suspendisse at arcu sodales, lacinia turpis eleifend, placerat urna.

What People Say